AID for Africa
Carey donates part of every commission check to help support children in Africa through World Vision and Food For The Hungary. She is also a member of the Menlo Park Presbyterican church Ethiopia AIDs Committee, which researches, writes business plans, financially supports and prays for the children and adults in Africa affected by AIDs.
In April -May timeframe 2007, Carey will go to Africa to serve as a business consultant to help start-up companies. To support Carey in this venture contact or contact Rebecca Muir at Equipt,
(408) 306-4100.

Serving Menlo Park, Woodside, Redwood City, Los Altos, Atherton, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale , Santa Clara, CA

Carey Mitchell
Yellow Dog Real Estate Broker /Owner
Email Me:

DRE#: 01356145